Sunday, December 21, 2008

We are in Rockland (Winter) Wonderland

Man, it is coming DOWN out there. I can't remember it ever snowing this much in Vancouver. Granted, I haven't been here that long. But still.

It's been hell trying to get Hadley around. Even walking to the bus stop is like hiking the Grouse Grind. The stroller gets stuck and she hardly fits in it with her snowsuit on anyways. What do parents in more wintery climates do? I never really paid attention when I lived in Ontario.
A colleague suggested I get her a sled and that's been much easier. Just strap her in and pull her around. Unfortunately you can't bring a sled into the liquor store.

I guess one of the problems is that it's often just Hadley and me, or Hadley and Alicia. Because one of us is always at work, we rarely get to go out as a family. With two parents, you can spot each other and help keep the kid happy, or at least not freaking out. The other night, I went to pick up our food order from the coop and couldn't get the stroller up the walkway. So then I yank her out of the stroller - clutching the diaper bag and grocery bag at the same time - and both boots come off, along with one sock. It's below zero, she's crying, my hands are full, her boots are in the was a mess. And this kind of thing happens all the time.

I'd like to therefore propose Single Parent (usually mother) Day, a national statutory holiday during which we do a favour or two for our single parent friends. I cannot imagine how hard it must be.

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