We've started taking Hadley for walks outside. I hadn't realised that walking on the sidewalk is so different from walking in the kitchen. We'd just been putting it off because there was snow everywhere.
The first couple of times were to the park and back - 2 blocks away. Hadley was pretty upset and being put on the ground rather than carried, and she refused to move for the longest time. I was worried that she would not be able to swing those legs with all the layers she has on, but no, she can motor when she wants to. Thing is, all she wants to do is stop and smell the flowers, if you will. Which is pretty great. Instead of taking 5 minutes to get to the park, we take 45 minutes because Hadley wants to examine every small detail on the sidewalk and in people's yards and try to run across the street.
Surprisingly, she doesn't fall much. And when she does, it's just right back up again. I read recently that children at this age have way more endorphins at their disposal to dull the pain from bonking into everything.
The other night we went to Baby Disco (a local restaurant hosts this once a month for toddlers and parents) and Hadley and I decided to walk home - about 6 blocks. It was super foggy and you couldn't even see more than 20 feet away. Hadley was doing pretty well and actually leading the way until out of the gloom lurked a back-hoe, parked at the side of the road. She just froze and pointed, yelling "Ba! Ba! Ba!" I tried to reassure her that the big yellow monster was sleeping and if we just sneak by quietly, it wouldn't wake up. That took some convicing and even after we were long past it, she kept looking over her shoulder to make sure it wasn't stalking us.
That back-hoe may be the source of her first baby nightmares.
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