It seems like the topic of sugar has come up a lot lately in our home. I don't think I've ever really taken the time to work through my own wishes re: Hadley and sugar, though I'm fairly certain I'd like her to avoid it.
Sugar was raised initially when Hadley and I went to a 2-year old birthday party and cake was involved. I had a piece, Hadley saw it, but she showed absolutely no interest in eating. The host, on the other had, was feeling exhausted because her [now] 2-year old had eaten a bunch and was all hyped-up. She expressed regret that her child had been exposed to sugar at so young an age - by other family members - and that she now has a taste for it.
I've never thought of sugar as something you "have a taste for", that is, you don't want it until you've had it. But I suppose there must be some truth to that idea. Hadley has had sugar in some baked goods and cookies but never asks for sweet stuff. In fact, her idea of an awesome treat is a slice of cucumber or a leaf of kale. Doesn't mean, though, that she'll never crave sugar.
Now I have to ask myself what the fear is. After all, I eat sugar from time to time. I know I want to avoid giving her mega-sweets (chocolate, candy, icing) because they can cause an upset stomach. They also rot teeth, make you fat and contribute to poor health later in life (read: cholesterol).
People talk about hyper-activity and sugar, but I'm not convinced. Not to say I don't think sugar partially plays a role but (a) kids are pretty hyper on their own and (b) sugar has never made me hyper.
Oh man, it's really raining hard outside. I'm going to close the windows and finish this later.
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