Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Now that I'm about to be the main evening parent for Hadley, it's good to know we've got ourselves into some sort of routine:
1. Get home, make strange, say bye to Ama Barb.
2. Read, play, read, play, read, read, read
3. I discreetly boil some rice and veggies. If she notices that I am giving more attention to carrots than I am to her, I am in big trouble. Spoils the whole night.
4. More reading
5. Mash the vegetables, add rice (and maybe beans or tofu if I'm prepared) and a dash of Bragg's.
6. Eat.
7. Read
8. Bath. Hadley now drags me to the bathroom, making the bath sound of 'psshhhhh'.
9. Overnight diaper and pyjamas.
10. Lie in bed reading and giggling until we both pass out.